Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Race Timing for the 100 to 2000 person event

For the android timing application see https://market.android.com/details?id=com.brooklynmarathon.generic.barcode1

For the android timing application help, see http://timingblog.brooklynmarathon.com/2011/04/timing-for-android-help.html

To see a typical real time results report: http://timing.brooklynmarathon.com/user_friends?title=bravo&report=3

If your event is too large to handle by hand scoring and too small to invest a RFID equipment that runs upwards of $5000 plus $3000 for the silly unreusable rfid tag.  (Always wondered why I can't use a standard RFID tag, oh, I forgot the seller makes his profit on the fact that you're locked in to his monopoly after you purchase)

Well, goodbye monopoly, goodbye overkill, goodbye high price, goodbye expensive race timer that takes all the hard work of the volunteers and converts it to cash.  Also, goodbye "so called sponsors" that force you to buy the give away item filled with the sponsor's advertisements and forces you to "pay" for his advertising.

Say hello to a fast, scalable, inexpensive, web-based race timing collection and real time web site results and administration!!!

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