Tuesday, October 29, 2013

GDG - Google Developer Group Talk - October 30, 2013 - Android Studio, Eclipse, App Engine Connected Android Application

Android Studio, Eclipse, App Engine Connected Android Application


Our application will monitor sound levels from all connected devices and log them to App Engine.

The plan is to explore Android Studio working on Linux and Windows and how easy is it to install, set up, and design and build applications that connect devices to the cloud in a seamless way.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Here is your opportunity to edit and comment on the current New York City Traffic Law

Here is your opportunity to edit and comment on the current New York City Traffic Law

Go to this link and add comments on specific laws:


For example, there is a law against "angle parking" but there is no definition of what is "angle parking".  How can we have laws that so vague.

Comment and edit away!

The future will involve collaborative law making, let's bring the future closer.

Friday, October 4, 2013

New York State of Health - Affordable Care Act Premium Estimator

If you are trying to estimate your possible premium choices in New York State in the Affordable Care Act Marketplace. Read on...

If you go to http://www.healthbenefitexchange.ny.gov/PremiumEstimator you will be able to download an Excel Spreadsheet that allows you to estimate your premium cost choices in the new New York State affordable care act marketplace.

But amazingly the spreadsheet not only requires Microsoft Excel (a paid product) but also certain versions of Microsoft Excel. This is a very bad example of data sharing. It should really be a web application.

But until we as a society create that web application, here are two formats of the given spreadsheet that should work in older versions of Microsoft Excel and in Apache OpenOffice.